Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I think I have finally figured out how to place photos where I want them - thank you, Dawn, LOL!!!

Above is the very center of my North Garden, so named because I have no imagination. The blue is my newest hardy Geranium variety, "Spinners". It is everything I hoped for; must remember to cut it back after the first flush of bloom next year!

In full bloom above, Alchemilla mollis makes a fabulous textural statement. I must remember to interplant something blue (Dutch iris?) for a spring companion, and to plant 'Wave' petunias after bloom...

The pond in early summer, before the lilies have taken off. Now that I have an out-of-pond filter, I don't have nearly as much trouble with algae blooms. Nevertheless, I need to find a new source of water hyacinths, Crassipes, to provide cover for the fish and to cut down on the amount of light that reaches the water. I had to rely exclusively on the waterlilies this year, and they have become a major pain in the ass. I have trouble lifting the tubs and dividing and fertilizing. Next year I'll concentrate on finding more floaters!

The lovely cirque, planted with sempervivum, California poppies (Escholtzia), low-growing lemon thyme, and Heuchera americana. Behind it is a variegated willow, Salix integrifolia 'Hakuro Nishiki'. I have to coppice every three years to keep it within bounds, but it is a sight to behold in July, when the tips turn a shrimpy pink. This is one of my favorites in all plantdom, and I share it around.

Another view of the cirque, with Siberian irises blooming in the upper terrace. In the foreground are rudbeckia not yet in bloom. In another month it will be a sea of golden yellow and deep red-brown, surrounded by shorter Lavendula 'Hidcote'.

Tradescantia is a pretty complement to the spires of Digitalis ambigua. The thready stuff in the foreground is sea lavender Limonium vulgare; in another month it will become a purple haze.


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